Monday, July 20, 2009

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
10:34 pm EDT29° 26′

Creating a sacred place in your home and within your soul

The New Moon on July 22 is the second New Moon in Cancer this year. At this critical degree (29° 26′ Cancer) on this eclipse we better be ready to wrap up the old and begin the new, because ready or not, it’s going to happen.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the Sun’s rays from the Earth. Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons. They are the universe’s way of cleaning house, and bringing us in line with life’s energy
This New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer is asking us to “tune in” on disagreements rooted on our feelings and/or emotional core so we can break through obstacles and move forward with our life.

The Sabian symbols for 30 Cancer A daughter of the American Revolution, with the keyword INHERITANCE give us some food for thought. Cancer is the sign associated with our “roots feelings.” So, we have a choice, we can either cling to past memories or chose to build a new way of thinking based on our personal intentions.

Remember that life is the ultimate adventure and a continual blessing. It’s time for you to explore, discover, walk your truth and live your gratitude in each present moment.

Have a great New Moon!


The Key Phrase for Cancer is: “I Nurture”. The astrological glyph is the Crab in the shape of a sideways 69. Cancer is a cardinal (action oriented, initiator), water (emotion, sensitive, feeling) sign. Cancer resides in the 4th house of the zodiac and is ruled by the Moon. Emotional comfort and personal security in the home is critical to Cancer.

Celebrate this New Moon with a:

A New Moon Ritual
  1. Buy a green and yellow candle.

  2. Centre yourself and invoke your guides.

  3. Declare your intentions in words and writing

  4. Light your candles and visualize your intentions manifesting. Feel the satisfaction that this will bring.

  5. Give thanks and surrender your intention to your Guides.

  6. Create an affirmation to help you connect with your new moon intentions (I honor my gut feelings. My intuition tells me all I need to know. I flow easily with my changing moods. I create beautiful and sustaining spaces.)

Write your 10 wishes

New Moon is a window of opportunity that we can use by writing down a wish list (ten wishes maximum each month) of whatever we want to have come true in our lives. For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper and ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day.

In her book, “New Moons Astrology”, Jan Spiller advises us to make wishes on the New Moon related to : security, home, peace, mother, family, caring, nurturing, intuition.

Sample wishes: “I choose all feelings of insecurity totally lifted from me”. “I choose to easily find myself making decisions for my home that are in my overall best interest.” “I choose to easily find myself saying the right words to my Mother that result in mutual understanding, caring and support”. “I intend to easily find myself consciously spending more quality time with members of my family”

Therefore in JULY, your most potent times for wishing are:

The Moon goes Void of Course immediately after the time of the New Moon. Therefore, potent energy for wishing is available

Tuesday, July 21: 11:27 pm – midnight,
Wednesday, July 22: clear all day and all night for wishing,
Thursday, July 23: 12:00 am – 4:27 pm & 11:22 pm – midnight.

So get on the stick and take care of your emotional life by committing to an insistence on love and kindness in all your interactions.

Remember to write an Abundance check:

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

How to write an Abundance check:

    Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says “Pay to,” write your name.

  • In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”
    On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.”

  • Sign the check: “The Law of Abundance.”

  • Do not put a date on the check. Do not write a specific dollar amount in the check. Put in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there. Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it. After the first time, they realize the power of these checks and do them routinely every month! Try it yourself and see!

Feng Shui Tip of the month:

  • According to Jung, our home is a physical manifestation of our psyche; changes to the home reflect changes to the self. . What does your home say about your life?

  • Redecorating is an important way to manage the stresses of daily life because with every small transformation we are actually working on our own interior design. Look around your house which rooms are you ready to redecorate. This Cancer New Moon can support you with ideas for making your environment more warm and welcoming. So, paint a wall, move the furniture, ring new things into your home (flowers, crystals, a new pillow…) let go of items you don’t use or need anymore.

Shamanic Journey Idea: Journey to the Middle World and connect with a power spot in you home.

Eclipses Websites:
NASA – Total Solar Eclipse of 2009 July 22
July 22 2009 Total Eclipse of the Sun